Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert T. Kiyosaki

This book is the only reason I have a good outlook on life when inflation has skyrocketed and interest rates are obscene. His story helps me see light no matter my situation. It has given me motivation to keep trying no matter how down I feel. I made a huge mistake when I was younger that if I had read this book before hand I wouldn’t have made. My life would have been much easier and I feel stupid for making the mistake I had. However, I know I can make up for it now. I gave this book to my dad who read it and also loved it. He has been putting its practises to use showing that the book is a good read at any stage of life.

Top take away (TTA): buy money making assets not liabilities.

I could not recommend this book enough. I think it is the first book every person should read on there journey to financial freedom.

Below is a link to Rich Dad Poor Dad on Amazon US for $7.49USD


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