IKEA is Better Covered in Copper

I took an unbelievably boring IKEA box with great potential and threw everything I had at it. I’m talking paint, foil, treatment, and topcoat. See photos for the transformation.

1. Paint yellow. This colour is important. It will be seen in the final piece, as the oxidation will eat through the copper and reveal the paint.

2. Cover in copper foil. This needs to be real copper, not imitation copper. Otherwise the later steps won’t work.

I used simple spray school glue to adhere the copper. Light layers is better. If the copper gets too wet it will clump and peel.

Use a paintbrush to smooth out the copper. Do not use your fingers as the copper will stick and tear.

Note that this step is super messy. Make sure to have a container to keep excess copper to save for later.

3. Rapidly Oxidize the copper. I used a solution of white vinegar and salt mixed to speed the oxidation of copper into copper oxide (which is blue-green in colour).

4. Make it antique. I used a water based polyurethane varnish for this step. The top coat reacted to the copper, miking it duller. This creates the antique and used look.

Great! All done. Here is the final look.


What I’m Into Vol 1


Bok Choi Eating A Lemon