What I’m Into Vol 1

Mood: Wabisabi ish - embrace the imperfect by leaning into it and relaxing.

Picture your house has just flooded flooded with a foot of water. Instead of getting sick with panic while calling emergency services, relax. Sit down. Fully clothed. Go for a swim. Breathe in and out. Enjoy this crazy experience that you didn’t plan. I just happened and you now get to swim in your house even just for a few minutes. Then call emergency services.

Opposites always come next. Right now it’s pastel and crochet. Next it will be glam and soft grunge. Wear a ball gown while partying in a stairwell.

A goal of mine is to sew my own summer wardrobe. It feels amazing to wear items built with your own hands. I am not a professional seamstress by any means. When I make clothing, there will be many things imperfect. I’ll just call them the Wabisabi details. As if on purpose.

My summer will be slow this year. I want to enjoy being in the sun. I don’t want to be in a rush. Stay at home, garden, make, play, and drink gin cocktails from a can.

Blue, red, and cream. Those are the colours of now. Not bright, not dull but lived in. Exactly like the picture above. The colours go together and are common.


Disco Ball Light Fixture


IKEA is Better Covered in Copper